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Writer's pictureDevon Fitzpatrick

Gratitude is a Window into Heaven

Gratitude is a magical thing. When this skill is developed, one can access it almost at will. The feeling is sublime! It paints life with a wise and cheery perspective. When gratitude becomes the default, we are blessed with a window into heaven.

Exercising gratitude is like exercising a muscle. It grows and strength and we gain the ability to produce an immense and profound feeling with a simple inner movement. By directing our attention to the beauty of small things, or the glory of bigger things we take for granted--anxiety, woe, and boredom slip away. After inducing a state of gratitude, we are blessed with a perspective I find nothing short of divine. How can we obtain this and make it a regular part of our day?

The key is to consistently practice this attitude and become adept at the art of being grateful for just about anything you could mention. One way is to work gratitude into your automatic routines. It could be a mental list you conduct while brushing your teeth, on your way to work, in bed before you fall asleep, or any other routine activity. Soon, it becomes a spontaneous desire which you gladly indulge. Strive to engage in gratitude at least once every day!

A trick to boost the emotional and spiritual benefit of this practice: be thankful for what other people might be grateful for themselves. By removing self from the equation, the import of exercising gratitude is magnified several times over. Be grateful for your cousin's engagement, the Super Bowl champions and their victory, your coworker's promotion, and any other thing. Try it out--it's neat how it works!

When we train our mind to see things in the light of favor and fortune rather than taking them for granted, we open up a whole new dimension of happiness. Life is then colored by the golden hues of Providence rather than the glum shadows of entitlement. I dare say that an "attitude of gratitude" could even be the overriding paradigm, the default, in our lives. Gratitude grants us a window into heaven, abiding joy, and a deep understanding of what a blessing life really is. Fortify your practice today!

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