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There is a scripture in Genesis where Cain asks God, "Am I my brother's keeper?" after he has slain him. Perhaps. we could ask the same question of this majestic Earth we do so much harm to. Are we our planet's keeper? Do our actions matter? Is it our responsibility to preserve her? To prevent her demise--even on an individual level? My answer is yes. I am my planet's keeper. Below are some recommendations for doing your part to be good to Gaia.

Personal Sustainability Matters for Fulfillment, & Mental/Spiritual Wellness

Being a very spiritual person with perfect wellness and strong mastery who lives in excellence is worth very little, I feel if that person has no concern at all for the planet. This Home we share with millions of other species is theirs as much as ours. We need to respect and honor that sacred fact. As such, below you will find strategies for what I call Lifestyle Sustainability--practical ways to be a better citizen of the planet. Read on and put 2-3 you aren't already doing into practice!

Your commitment to honoring Life Beyond Humans matters. See the sustainability tips below to learn how your simple actions can make a difference!


  1. Donate 1% of your income to an environmental nonproft

  2. Recycle -- the right way, even when it's not convenient

  3. Avoid Single Use plastics and Styrofoam with great zeal

  4. Bring canvas bags to the grocery store

  5. Use a reusable water bottle/coffee mug

  6. Shop at thrift stores rather than buy new

  7. Purchase products from eco-friendly companies (see list, coming soon)

  8. If possible, start a garden and/or compost bin

  9. Eat less or no meat/dairy

  10. Buy less rubbish, buy longer-lasting items

  11. Drive vehicles with ~30+ MPG

  12. Try Eco-Bricking for non-recyclable plastics

  13. Print on both sides of the page

  14. Turn off lights and electronics when not in use

  15. When appropriate, generate "Planet Keeper camaraderie"/educate others

  16. Uproot invasive plants taking over a landscape

  17. Plant native pollenators

  18. Avoid using harsh chemicals and dispose of properly when you can

  19. Give preference rags rather than throw away products

  20. In public restrooms, be mindful of your paper towel usage

  21. Be conservative (but thorough!) with toilet paper use

  22. Take showers instead of baths, but not super long showers

  23. More to come!!


Berkey Filter, bottled water is bad, mkay


"Who Gives a Crap" Toilet Paper, made from recycled paper, portion of profits go to charity


Tru Earth laundry strips, no plastic!

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